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              Huai’an environmental engineering design Co.,Ltd. and Huai’an environmental protection Co.,Ltd.[original environmental engineering design office], approved by the Huai’an government in 1988, affiliated institutions of Huai’an environmental protection bureau, its name changed to Huai’an environmental engineering design Co.,Ltd., and Huai’an environmental protection Co.,Ltd. in 2004. Huai’an environmental engineering design Co.,Ltd. and Huai’an environment protection Co.,Ltd., the working staff of fifty-eight people, including three 1st Class Registered Structural Engineers, six senior engineers, and thirteen engineers; Huai’an environmental protection Co.,Ltd., two National First-Class Construction Engineers, five National Second-Class Construction Engineers and  numbers of environmental design and construction aspects of outstanding professionals, and excellent environment protection management team, after the restructuring of the companies, now the two companies with one team, the general manager Yuan Jun, with full of passion and confidence for protecting of human environment, and  does his best to lead the company become one of the most famous brands, makes the environmental protection industry more excellence, and gets respect and trust from the government, enterprises and the society.


               友情鏈接:中華人民共和國環境保護部 江蘇省環保廳 淮安市環保局 中國環境保護產業協會 江蘇環保產業網 淮安市政府網

              版權所有:淮安市環境保護有限公司  技術支持:江蘇蘇軟科技有限公司  蘇ICP備:15036148-1號

              地址:淮安市健康西路81號  電話:0517-83341216

